
Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma

On April 17 1891, my grandmother, Ivy Schmidt was born. She would have been 116 tomorrow. She died three months short of her 100th birthday in January 1991, a Bradmanesque age of 99.something (a little less than the famous 99.94)

On this site, we focus somewhat on generational differences. We are about living in the age of boomers, Gen-X, Gen-Y. Is there anyone born in the 19 century who:
  1. is still living?
  2. has access to the Internet?
  3. is blogging?
Is there anyone giving an internet voice to a living centenarian? For some, and maybe for many, if it doesn't have a an online identity, it's not real. Or at least, it's not considered. How I hope that thoughts and opinions of those generations of our recent past, even if they have no marketing-speke moniker, are being caught. Otherwise we only have, well, insecure memory.

GrandMa died about the time that the Internet was being conceived... However in her time...

GrandMa produced four children who all grew up and had families... seventeen grandchildren (including several baby boomers) who produced dozens and dozens of Gen-Xers and Gen Ys and... well...

Happy birthday GrandMa! It should be a holiday. How things have changed.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Another birth, another generation

Just over two weeks to go before the new website I am managing the design and build for is due to go live.

Another birth in my life. It seems a litle like that. An eagerly awaited event in the life of those who have an interest, yet an event that is occurring at a frantic rateacross the Internet, thousands of times every day.

So a new website is born. It carries the hopes and dreams of many parents, uncles, aunties, brothers and sisters. It even carries children of its own, all with unlimited possibilities and expectation.

Expectation, that's it! How we have such expectations of the new baby, the new website the next generation.

This new baby happens to be the website of Australia's pre-eminent ICT research organisation. Expectations weigh heavily on all of us. I'll add the link when it's live. [now added]

Meanwhile, I'd better get back to managing the expectations and preparing for the birth!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Eight weeks and 'Booming'

Tomorrow, it's eight weeks since our personal baby boom occurred. How we have been blessed.

Kaelyn has an email address - in fact three - just to be sure, and she is of the generation who will expect that whatever facilities you can access in the Internet, you do. I don't want her to be left behind. She doesn't blog - yet - although I know this is popular among her generation's parents.

I elected not to be a stage dad blogger. She can do without the pressure of such expectation.

For now, she can be contacted via her mum and dad's photo website, and retain a cloak of anonymity for a while.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Beginnings

So, as previously warned, this blogsite has taken an significant turn... It's no longer the ramblings of a late (read young) baby boomer living in the convergence of Gen X and Gen Y and now contributing to the yet to be named baby boomers of 2000 - 2010.

After a few challenges, Kaelyn came home from hospital and her mum is well on the way to recovery from what turned out to be pre-eclampsia. That really messes with you, but she is improving every day and kaelyn is blooming.

And so the generation spread of influence represented on this blogsite stetches to another level. One of the best things about living and loving and being multi-generational is that there are new beginnings every day... for one of us or another!